Our Team

Five friends started their career in the shipping and logistics industry by working for a Clearing House Agent, which ignited their shared passion for the industry. They gained extensive experience and expertise in their respective fields, which helped them to become leaders in the industry. With their commitment to providing excellent service to their customers, they dreamt of creating a company that embodies their values and dedication to excellence. Thus, they decided to pool their talents and create Five Stars Shipping Agency and Five Stars Logistics and VSD Transline.

Our companies are known for providing exceptional service and embodying the values and dedication of their founders. As they built their successful shipping and logistics companies, they also thought about their legacy and wanted to pass on their knowledge and experience to the next generation. They began to train and mentor their successors, who have embraced their values and traditions and have become an integral part of their journey. The fact that their successors continue to inspire and motivate young people in the industry is one of the greatest accomplishments of their journey.